2.17.2 Commercial and Mixed Use Zones


  1. Permit adequate identification and business advertising;
  2. Ensure that signs are in keeping with the scale of the building they are on and do not detract from the character of the business or commercial area; and
  3. Reduce the visual complexity of the streetscape by encouraging fewer and more effective signage types in this zone.


  1. The total combined signage area on a building elevation must not exceed 20% of that building elevation that is visible from a public place.
  2. With the exception of under awning signs, all signs must be located wholly within the property boundaries.
  3. All Illumination signage must comply with AS 1158 - Lighting for Roads and Public Spaces and AS 4282 - Control of the Obtrusive Effects of Outdoor Lighting.
  4. Window signs must be affixed to the inside of the window. The total combined window signage area must not exceed 20% of the visible window area.
  5. A maximum of one pole or pylon sign per street frontage, not exceeding 6m above existing ground level is permitted.
  6. In multiple tenancy developments:
    1. Not more than one business identification sign per tenancy must be permitted;
    2. Such signage may only display the business name, unit number, address and/or any associated logos or graphics;
    3. Signage must not exceed 20% of the visible wall area of the primary elevation of the unit or tenancy;
    4. All signage visible from a public place must be of a complementary size, shape and style throughout the development;
    5. Directory board signage for the tenancies must be designed using one pole or pylon sign not exceeding 6m above ground level.