4.2.3 Streetscape and Architectural Design


  1. To encourage innovative and quality designs that enhances the built form and character of the neighbourhood;
  2. To encourage a diversity of built form design;
  3. To encourage casual surveillance of the street; and
  4. To encourage visual interest through articulation.


  1. The primary street facade of a dwelling must address the street and incorporate a visible front entrance of the dwelling. At least two of the following design features are to be incorporated into the primary street façade:
    • entry feature or porch;
    • awnings or other features over windows;
    • balcony treatment to any first floor element;
    • recessing or projecting architectural elements;
    • open verandah;
    • bay windows or similar features; or
    • verandahs, pergolas or similar features above garage doors.
  2. Front facades are to feature at least one ground floor habitable room with a window facing onto the street.
  3. The secondary street facade for a dwelling on a corner lot should address the street and must incorporate at least two of the above design features.
  4. Modulation of the façade should be integral to the design of the building, rather than an unrelated attached element.
  5. Eaves must be provided. Eaves provide sun shading and protect windows and doors from extreme weather. Eaves also provide aesthetic interest. Except for walls built to the boundary, eaves should have a minimum of 450mm overhang (measured to the fascia board). Council will consider alternative solutions to eaves so long as appropriate sun shading is provided to windows and display a high level of architectural merit.
  6. The pitch of hipped and gable roof forms on the main dwelling house should be between 18 degrees and 35 degrees. Skillion roofs, roofs hidden from view by parapet walls, roofs on detached garages and ancillary buildings on the allotment are exempt from this control.
  7. On corner lots, garages are encouraged to be accessed from the secondary street or a rear lane.