4.2.9 Visual and Acoustic Privacy


  1. Locate and design dwellings to enhance visual and acoustic privacy, whilst minimising visual and acoustic impacts of development on adjoining properties.


  1. The internal layout of residential buildings, window openings, the location of outdoor living areas (i.e. courtyards and balconies) and building plant should be designed to minimise noise impact and transmission.
  2. Direct overlooking of the main living areas and private open spaces of adjacent dwellings should be minimised through building layout, window and balcony location and design, and the use of screening devices, including landscaping. A privacy screen or fixed obscure glass must be provided for any part of a window (on the first floor) to a habitable room (excluding bedroom) that is less than 1.5m above the finished floor level of that room, if the room overlooks an adjacent dwelling window or the private open space of an adjacent dwelling.
  3. Active recreation facilities (e.g. swimming pools) should be located away from the bedroom areas of adjoining dwellings.
  4. First floor balconies or decks facing the side or rear boundaries are not permitted, unless it can be demonstrated that there will be no adverse privacy impacts to neighbouring properties. The depth of the first floor balcony or deck is not to exceed 2 metres.