Rural Industry
- Ensure that rural industries are compatible with the rural environment; and
- Minimise any adverse impact of rural industries on surrounding lands.
- The minimum lot size required for rural industries is 10 hectares.
- Buildings and outside storage areas are to be sited at least 20m from a public street and from any boundary where there is a dwelling on an adjoining property. These setbacks may need to be increased in order to address potential environmental or amenity impacts of the proposed development.
- Rural industries must maintain the rural landscape, materials, colours and building form should be recessive in the landscape with low reflective, neutral/earth tones.
- Outdoor storage yards are to be screened from roadways and neighbouring dwellings.
- Council may limit the hours of operation of a rural industry where there is a likelihood of adverse impact on the amenity of the surrounding area.
- No hazardous materials must be stored below 1% AEP flood level plus freeboard.
- Where an industry has the potential to generate offensive odour beyond the boundaries of the site, an odour assessment must be undertaken in accordance with DECCW’s “Technical framework: Assessment and Management of Odour from Stationary Sources in NSW” and be submitted with the application.
- On unsewered sites, development must be in accordance with Council’s Sewage Management Strategy.