6.2.4 Farm Buildings


As the nature of agricultural activities changes there has been an increase in the number and size of farm buildings and a corresponding increase in their impacts on the surrounding area.  For this reason, it is necessary to provide controls for all developments involving farm buildings.

Unless specifically stated, controls for farm buildings apply to all buildings associated with any permissible use of rural land, whether or not that use is considered an agricultural use. In some cases, there are additional controls for particular buildings, such as greenhouses and poultry farms.  Controls for greenhouses and poultry farms are included in the relevant land use sections below and should be applied instead of these controls for farm buildings.


  1. Protect the scenic, historic and cultural value of the Camden LGA’s natural and built environment; and
  2. Maintain the existing streetscape and rural aesthetic of the area.


  1. All farm buildings must be ancillary to an existing agricultural use being undertaken on the land on which it is situated.
  2. Farm buildings should be constructed using materials, colours and finishes that complement the principal dwelling, including low reflective, neutral/earth tones which blend in with the natural landscape.
  3. Farm buildings should be sited so as not to be visually prominent when viewed from the road.
  4. Farm buildings should be constructed in a cluster to minimise the amount of land occupied by development.
  5. The minimum setback from any road is 20 metres.
  6. The minimum side and rear boundary setback is 5 metres.
  7. Cut and fill must be kept to a minimum and slope should not exceed 15%.
  8. Farm buildings should feature pitched roofs.
  9. Farm buildings must be designed and located to comply with Council’s Flood Risk Management Policy.

Note: Farm buildings may be exempt under the State Environmental Planning Policy (Exempt and Complying Development Codes) 2008