- To protect the landscape and visual character of the Scenic Hills.
- To ensure the height of new dwellings are appropriate and do not have an adverse impact on the Scenic Hills.
- Minimise opportunity for light spill from infrastructure in the public domain.
These controls apply to land east of the collector road
- Development on land to the east of the collector road must not encroach above the 141 RL. Lots must have an 88b restriction placed on title requiring compliance with RL 141, consistent with the requirements of the Landscape and Visual Assessment, prepared by Distinctive Consulting, November 2015.
- An 88B restriction on title requiring lots backing onto the ridgeline of the Scenic Hills to have a 20-metre rear building setback;
- An 88B restriction on title requiring lots backing onto the ridgeline of the Scenic Hills to be of single storey construction;
- Street lighting provided to public roads is to incorporate a shroud, hood or other appropriate design treatment to minimise light spill.