Double Garages are permitted on lots equal to or greater than 10m and less than 12.5m, subject to the below.
- To facilitate additional parking behind the building line on narrow allotments without reducing on street parking
- To reduce the visual impact of garages, carports, and parking areas on the streetscape.
- To ensure the dwelling is designed to provide casual surveillance of the street.
- To reduce the apparent bulk and scale of the dwelling.
- Where a residential dwelling is proposed with a double garage on a lot with a frontage equal to or greater than 10 metres and less than 12.5 metres (measured at the building line);
- It must be in conjunction with a 2 storey dwelling.
- It must be demonstrated that there is no loss of on street parking, site plans must show:
- an unencumbered area within the property line for on-street parking;
- driveway crossover (minimum 4m for double garage); and
- 500mm driveway setback (minimum) from the side boundary and demonstrate no conflict with services as per Council’s Design and Construction Specification – Access driveways.
- The floor plan must include a habitable room overlooking the street with a balcony incorporated into the design of the front façade.
- The balcony must cover at least 50% of the width of the dwelling.
- The double garage must be recessed from the main building.
- To break up the bulk of the facade, the balcony element must be of a different finish to the main dwelling.
- The front entrance must be visible from the street.
- Non-habitable rooms are discouraged from being located at the front of the dwelling (apart from the front entrance).