S3.2.5 Housing Type


  1. To create a socially and environmentally sustainable environment that balances residential demands with preservation of the sites assets; and
  2. To provide a range of housing choice.


  1. Development applications must be supported by a Master Plan showing the different types of housing within the subdivision. These housing types must include:
    1. Gateway sites on the main boulevard bus route are to be developed as distinctive ‘icons’ that define the principal entry points into Manooka Valley. Two-storey attached, or two-storey single/multiple dwelling medium density housing is permissible.
    2. One and two storey detached Main/High Street housing of a more traditional character is to be located on local streets within the North, South and West Villages.
    3. In addition, the perimeter of Manooka Valley will be a carefully planned transition zone between urban and rural developments. Large Urban Edge lots and housing clusters will minimise the impact of low density development on the area’s landscape.