- To ensure boundary fencing and walls are of a high quality and do not detract from the streetscape..
- To provide privacy and security for the development.
- To define boundaries between public and private areas.
- Side and rear fencing is to be a maximum of 1.8m high and is not to project beyond the applicable building line.
- Fences on corner lots is to comply with the provisions under Section 4.2.11 Fencing.
- Fencing to open space areas (golf course and public reserve) lands is to be a maximum height of 1.2m and be of open style.
- Side fencing on lots fronting golf course land is to terminate 2m from the golf course boundary. The remaining 2m is to be fencing to a maximum height of 1.2m to match the fencing to the golf course.
- Fencing that adjoins rear accessways is to be open style fencing that permits casual surveillance. Metal or timber paling or lapped/capped fencing can only be used internally between dwelling lots.