3.2.7 Parks and Open Space


Open space performs an important community/civic function for the Camden LGA. It is imperative it is functionally integrated with the surrounding movement network in a visual and structural sense. It must be positioned and designed to provide access to and balance aesthetic, scenic and recreational demands from the diversity of surrounding land uses.


  1. Meet the public open space and recreational needs of residents; 
  2. Ensure high quality design and embellishment of all public open space; and 
  3. Create a variety of public parks within the suburb that fulfil functional requirements such as accommodating sporting activities while also being beautiful and memorable places that contribute to the legibility and character of the suburb.


  1. Public parks (neighbourhood, local and regional open space), other open space areas (i.e. riparian corridors) and areas with landscape value are to be provided, generally in accordance with the master plan or Indicative Layout Plan provided within each new release area.
  2. The embellishment of public parks are to be generally consistent with Council’s approved Open Space Design Manual and any applicable voluntary planning agreement which applies to the land.