2.16.3 General Heritage Provisions


This subsection sets out general objectives and controls for various types of work and is applicable to all Heritage Items, Heritage Conservations Areas, Culturally Significant Places and for development in the vicinity of Heritage Places.



  1. Retain and conserve heritage items and their significant elements and settings including views and visual catchment;
  2. Retain and conserve where possible, the significant character of heritage places;
  3. Retain original elements such as verandahs, balconies, characteristic roof forms, traditional materials, finishes and associated details and traditional planting schemes;
  4. Retain and conserve culturally significant items if they are found to have heritage significance;
  5. Encourage new and sympathetic uses of buildings to conserve their heritage significance;
  6. Protect and conserve heritage in accordance with the principles of the Burra Charter;
  7. Ensure that development is undertaken in a manner that acknowledges a heritage place/s, archaeological potential or protects sites of archaeological significance;
  8. Encourage routine maintenance for the ongoing conservation of heritage places; and
  9. Ensure that adequate consideration is given to the significance of a heritage place, where demolition or partial demolition proposed.

Compatibility of new work

  1. Ensure development is based on, and sympathetic to, an understanding of the heritage significance of the place;
  2. Ensure that any development within a heritage conservation area is compatible with and sympathetic to the significant characteristics of the conservation area as a whole and makes a positive contribution to the area; and
  3. Ensure that the development in the vicinity of a heritage place is undertaken in a manner that does not detract from the heritage significance of the place.

Development details

  1. Ensure the integrity of the heritage item and its setting (including landscape visual catchment and significant characteristics); or the Heritage Conservation Area is retained by the careful design, scale and siting of new buildings and alterations and additions to existing buildings;
  2. Encourage the removal of unsympathetic work, the conservation of original elements and the reinstatement of significant missing building elements where documentary evidence of their detail or location exists;
  3. New development may use contemporary design, materials and construction techniques; but must maintain not adversely impact the heritage significance of the place, and the significant elements that make up the character of the Heritage Conservation Area;
  4. Promote the use of high quality design, materials, finishes and detailing which is appropriate sympathetic to the architectural style, building type and historic context of a heritage place; and
  5. Promote the use of colour schemes that are sympathetic to the character of the individual building, group of buildings and the historic context a heritage place.

Associated details

  1. Ensure that fences, gates, and outbuildings and other ancillary structures are sympathetic to the significance of the heritage place;
  2. Promote landscaping that is consistent with appropriate to the significance of the heritage place; and
  3. Minimise the impact of new driveways on heritage items and the streetscape; and retain an active retail street frontage.



  1. New buildings must be of a simple, contemporary design that avoids “heritage style” replication of architectural or decorative detail.
  2. New work must be easily identified as such and is required to be sympathetic to the heritage place.
  3. When alterations or additions are proposed, the removal of any existing unsympathetic elements is encouraged.
  4. Where significance permits modification, alterations to the original room layout of a heritage item is permissible provided the original details such as joinery, plasterwork and wall nibs and can still be interpreted.
  5. New development must be designed to interpret and complement the general form, bulk, scale, height, architectural detail and other significant elements of the surrounding heritage place.
  6. Where an addition is not visible from a street or public place, greater flexibility in design may be considered.
  7. The significant internal and external fabric and building elements of the principal building are to be retained and conserved.


  1. Alterations and additions to a heritage item or within a conservation area will be sited and designed to retain the intactness and consistency of the streetscape and the significance of the conservation area;
  2. Additions to buildings in the conservation area are to be predominantly to the rear of the existing building. Additions should not visually dominate the existing building.
  3. Additions to the side of existing buildings will be considered where it is substantially set back from the front building alignment and the style and character of the building or conservation area will not be compromised.
  4. Where there is a uniform building front setback, new development must recognise this.
  5. The existing informal and irregular pattern of rear property building alignments is to be retained.

Roofs and Roofscape

  1. The existing pattern, pitch, materials and details of original roof forms within the Heritage Conservation Area must be retained.
  2. Secondary roof forms should be subservient in form, scale and location to the main roof.
  3. Missing roof elements must be reinstated when unsympathetic roofs are replaced.

Verandas and Balconies

  1. Original verandas and balconies are not to be removed, altered or enclosed.
  2. Verandas and balconies may be reinstated on street front elevations where historical evidence supports their previous existence. In such circumstances, the detail and design should be representative of the original.
  3. Verandas and balconies on new buildings should generally be of a contemporary design and materials that respond to the character, scale and from setting of the heritage place.


  1. Additional floor space may be permitted within attic roof space where no significant external changes are made to the existing wall heights and roof forms.
  2. Dormers with traditional proportions and sympathetic detailing that complements the style and details of the roof may be considered.
  3. Loft type structures in the conservation area may be appropriate only where the bulk, size and scale does not overwhelm the existing or surrounding buildings and can be included in the roof space of a pitch that reflects surrounding existing development.

Materials and Finishes

  1. Surviving original materials, finishes, textures and details must be retained and conserved where appropriate.
  2. Materials, finishes, and textures must be sympathetic to the historic context of the original significant buildings within the streetscape.
  3. Contemporary materials are permitted where their proportions, detailing and quantities are compatible with the character of the area. Large expanses of glass and reflective wall and roof cladding are not appropriate.
  4. The significant original internal elements of a building, such as distinctive joinery, fireplaces, decorative plasterwork are generally to be retained and conserved in heritage places.
  5. Reconstruction or restoration of missing significant elements is encouraged and should be based on documentary evidence when available.


  1. Colour schemes on heritage items must be appropriate and sympathetic to the building type period and architectural style.
  2. New buildings need not employ traditional colour schemes, but should use colours sympathetic to surrounding development and contribute to the cohesiveness of the Heritage Place. A material and colour palette sheet must be provided to Council for assessment.
  3. Original significant masonry that is unpainted or unfinished must not be rendered, bagged, painted or otherwise refinished in a manner inappropriate to the architectural style of the building.

Fences and Gates

  1. Existing fences that have been identified as being significant or that contribute to the overall setting or character of a heritage place are to be retained, rather than replaced.
  2. New fences should be sympathetic to the original fencing in terms of design, materials, colour and height. If the original fence type is not known, it should be representative of the architectural period of the heritage building. Old photographs or inspection of remaining fabric can often reveal the original fence type.
  3. Removal of unsympathetic fences and reinstatement with fencing appropriate to the architectural era is encouraged.
  4. Traditional fence heights and styles that do not obscure heritage items or visually dominate Heritage Conservation Areas are to be used.
  5. On sloping sites fences and walls should be stepped down the slope.


  1. Front gardens should predominately be landscaped in a style appropriate to the building type and to embellish the street front elevation.
  2. Landscaping in a heritage place should, retain the original design elements, paths, significant trees and established gardens.

Garages, Carports and Outbuildings

  1. Garages, carports and outbuildings must be simple, ancillary structures, that are designed and sited so that they do not dominate the principal building and not detract from the Heritage Conservation Area.
  2. Parking structures are not to be located in the front setback area, unless documentary evidence of their location in the front setback exists.

Vehicle Access

  1. Vehicle access must not impact adversely upon the architectural character and significance of buildings or the streetscape.
  2. Driveways should be constructed of gravel, crushed sandstone, bricks or plain concrete or be designed as separated wheel strips. Stencilled concrete is generally not appropriate.
  3. Hard stand areas should be kept to a minimum.


  1. Refer to Part 2.15 of this DCP for signs on Heritage Items or in Heritage Conservation Areas.

Associated structures

  1. Where shutters and grills are considered necessary for property protection, they must be designed to suit the character of the building, be set back from the face of the surrounding wall, be of an open nature and have minimal impact on the existing building fabric.
  2. Appropriate external lighting may be used to highlight the architectural features of significant buildings.
  3. Skylights, air conditioning units, antennas, solar panels, satellite dishes etc. must not be visible from the street.


  1. The demolition of a heritage place is contrary to the intent of heritage listing. It will only be considered as a last resort, where a Heritage Impact Statement is submitted covering the following:
    1. Documentation that all alternatives for retention have been investigated and ruled out.
    2. It can be satisfactorily demonstrated that the building does not satisfy the criteria for listing established by the NSW Heritage Branch.
    3. It has been sufficiently documented and justified that the structure is considered incapable of repair.
  2. Where consent is issued for demolition, or part demolition, of a heritage place a comprehensive diagrammatic and photographic archival record is to be made of the structure to be demolished. This must be submitted to Council’s satisfaction prior to commencement of any demolition works.  A heritage consultant experienced in the preparation of an archival recording is required to undertake the recording.

Minor Works and Maintenance

  1. CLEP 2010 defines maintenance of heritage places. Routine maintenance, and minor work which is “like for like” or which Council considers will not impact on the heritage significance of the place; may be carried out without consent. Council must be contacted in this regard and approval issued in writing before work is carried out. See Clause 5.10 of the CLEP 2010.
  2. All maintenance must involve use of traditional materials or those that will not have an adverse impact on the heritage significance. Guidelines for the use of traditional material and conservation methods can be found on the Office of Environment website using the following link:  http://www.environment.nsw.gov.au/Heritage/publications/index.htm