- Development fronting Camden Valley Way must be limited to single storey with attic rooms permitted within the roof void provided that the roof pitch does not exceed 40 degrees.
- The outdoor private open space areas of new dwellings must achieve an acceptable level of amenity in compliance with the Department of Environment and Climate Change’s Environmental Criteria for Road Traffic Noise and the Acoustic Amenity controls within this DCP.
- The use of solid boundary fencing fronting Camden Valley Way must be minimised and avoided wherever possible.
- Where the location of private open space areas necessitates the use of solid boundary fencing to provide acceptable amenity to these areas, the fencing must incorporate design measures such as modulation and articulation of the wall façade, landscaping screening and features, and variation in building materials, colours and finishes, in order to achieve an acceptable urban design outcome. Landscaping may be incorporated by measures including, but no limited to, alcoves in an articulated wall façade or a uniform setback at the front of the wall.
- Where boundary fencing does not provide adequate noise attenuation, appropriate and attractive acoustic treatments must be incorporated into the design of the dwellings.
- Development should utilise neutral/earthen tones and non-reflective finishes. The use of light or bright colours or reflective materials may result in an adverse impact upon distant views from Studley Park House which is an item of heritage significance located nearby.
- A buffer of at least 5m must be provided between the sewage pumping station and habitable buildings on the site to provide visual and acoustic separation between the pumping station and future dwellings. Preference should be given to siting non-habitable buildings or other land uses adjacent to the sewage pumping station wherever possible.
- Sydney Water must be consulted early in the design stage to ascertain the exact location of existing and proposed easements at the north-eastern corner of the site to ensure that no construction is proposed in or over these easements.