- To allow manipulation of the natural landform whilst preserving distinctive scenic features.
- Management of landform manipulation to ensure conditions suitable for development are achieved.
- Development Applications are to provide accurate site surveys prepared by a qualified surveyor to provide a clear and accurate representation of the contours of the land.
- Retaining walls at the subdivisional works stage of development are permitted to reduce the need for cut and fill at the dwelling construction stage.
- Proposals requiring significant moving and filling of earth will be considered if it contributes to the overall quality of the development and the urban design outcomes for the area.
- Development Applications are to illustrate bulk earthworks and retaining walls and provide justification for proposed changes to land levels.
- The maximum height of a retaining wall is 1.5 metres.
- Any wall with a height of 1.5m or greater requires lodgement of a Development Application.
- In instances where a retaining wall greater than 1.5 metres in height is required, a second retaining wall is permitted providing the retaining wall structure incorporates a step of 1 metre in width, with the second retaining wall being limited to 1 metre in height (i.e. first wall a maximum of 1.5 metres and second retaining wall is a maximum of 1 metre).
- Retaining walls are to be constructed of masonry materials.
- Compaction of filled areas is to be 98% standard compaction and in accordance with AS 3798-1990 in accordance with engineering standards and a compaction certificate is to be submitted to Council.
- Earth moved from areas containing noxious weed material must be disposed of at an approved waste management facility and transported in compliance with the Noxious Weed Act 1993.