An indicative master plan for Camden Lakeside is shown in Figure 6-1. The proposed entry point to the development is off Raby Road. The entry will provide direct access to the Camden Lakeside clubhouse, golf course and residential allotments. A north-south oriented connector road provides an important vehicular, pedestrian and bicycle link between the northern and southern parts of the development.
A road link and potential bus route will be provided into the adjoining Gledswood Precinct from Precinct 4. A shared cycle/pedestrian path is also proposed from the Raby Road entrance, through Precinct 1, 2, 4 and 5 and into the Gledswood Precinct and beyond.
The golf course incorporates water bodies, watercourses and tree planting. The proposed development includes construction of several new holes and modification of existing holes to accommodate the residential development.
Recreation facilities must be located adjacent to the golf clubhouse. The facilities will provide a place for residents to meet, socialise and exercise. It is anticipated that the facilities will include a pool, tennis court, children’s play area and a small shelter.
The proposed development also contains a number of local parks for passive and active recreation uses. Pedestrian and bicycle routes provide convenient and safe access to the recreation facilities. Proposed residential areas are located primarily to the south of the site and to the north around the clubhouse. The principal design objective is to maximise views to the golf course and Rileys Creek.
The capacity of the Camden Lakeside site is 550 dwellings.