S2.2.1 Neighbourhood and Subdivision Design


  1. The master plan adopts a typical block depth of 60m in the traditional subdivisions areas, and 50m in the small lot and medium density areas. Typically, the block length is in the order of 150m – ranging from 75m minimum and 200m maximum. This strikes a balance between the need to achieve high accessibility by having shorter block length, with the extra cost and land consumption of having more roads. The maximum length of the block is governed by the need to make neighbourhoods accessible, as well as to provide visual breaks to add interest to the streetscape. Perimeter blocks can be longer if the street curves, as this itself adds interest and variety.
  2. No residential development is permitted below the 100 year ARI flood line. With the exception of areas affected by sand extraction, no fill will be permitted below the 100 year ARI flood line or within 40m of a waterway.
  3. The two primary noise attenuation measures include the use of architectural treated buildings to block noise or the erection of acoustic barriers including mounding and fences where they will not detract from a streetscape. The master plan makes provision for a sound fence along the Camden Bypass and architectural treatment along the proposed Link Road. The report must predict increases in road traffic noise levels for a 10 year period and provide recommendation for attenuation where required.
  4. At subdivision/development stage, noise attenuation measures need to be developed for sites that fall within the criteria set out below:
    1. applicants will be required to submit an acoustic impact assessment report for development:
      1. within any commercial or neighbourhood centre areas.
      2. adjacent to Camden Valley Way, Camden By-Pass and/or Liz Kernohan Drive and Springs Road.
      3. For any non-residential use of any part within the area that this DCP covers.
      4. Steep (1:10) or elevated land within 100 metres of a freeway, arterial or future arterial road.
    2. Council will not consent to the subdivision/development of land to which this clause applies unless a program, satisfactory to the Council, has been prepared outlining traffic noise attenuation devices proposed for the development. The report must predict noise levels for a 10 year period and any attenuation measures must address these noise levels.
    3. Noise attenuation measures must not block identified view corridors and must contribute positively to urban design outcomes of a high quality.
  5. Electricity easements are to be incorporated in public road reserves and must not burden private lots.
  6. The Master Plan aims to protect significant views, and these corridors must be protected in any subdivision application. Details such as fences, walls and tree plantings must also respect these corridors. Subdivision that is designed around heritage items and curtilages must be sympathetic in form, shape and lot size to the heritage places (see Environmental Heritage within Part 2 of this DCP.