S4.2.5 Sloping Land and Retaining Walls


  1. Retaining walls at the subdivisional works stage of development are permitted to reduce the need for cut and fill at the dwelling construction stage.
  2. The maximum height of a retaining wall is 1.5 metres.
  3. In instances where a retaining wall greater than 1.5 metres in height is required, a second retaining wall is permitted providing the retaining wall structure incorporates a step of 1 metre in width, with the second retaining wall being limited to 1 metre in height (i.e. first wall a maximum of 1.5 metres and second retaining wall is a maximum of 1 metre).
  4. Retaining walls are to be constructed of masonry materials.
  5. Any wall with a height of 1.5m or greater requires lodgement of a Development Application.