- To ensure remnant vegetation identified on land zoned C4 Environmental Living in the northern part of the site is rehabilitated.
- To ensure that the remnant vegetation remains in private ownership and is appropriately managed to improve and maintain its function and quality.
- Land zoned C4 Environmental Living in the northern part of the site that contains remnant Cumberland Plain Woodland, as identified in the ILP, is to have a minimum lot size of 20,000m2 to ensure the vegetation is not further fragmented and appropriate management and rehabilitation of the vegetation is provided.
- A Vegetation Management Plan (VMP) is to be submitted with the first DA for lands zoned C4 in the northern part of the site.
- The VMP is to specify the necessary rehabilitation works, revegetation works and ongoing maintenance.
- Areas of remnant vegetation are to be fenced off and protected when earthworks and civil works are being carried out in proximity.
- An 88b restriction must be registered on the title of the lots requiring compliance with the VMP.
- Rehabilitation works, and revegetation works as per the VMP must be completed prior to release of the Subdivision Certificate for the relevant lots.